Here at Afriwaterfarm, we construct boreholes in accordance with Industry guidelines and relevant regulations with our outstanding water well drilling services.

We mobilise the specific rig and equipment to site and set up in the preferred location.

We will then drill the borehole and install temporary casing as required to ensure the loose ground above the rock stays open, allowing us to drill the borehole to the required depth.

We can supply complete Water Well Drilling installation services, from borehole design, drilling of the borehole and Installation of the well screen and borehole pump.

Get A Free Estimate

If you are in need of well drilling nj or well service for residential or commercial purposes, we can handle it. Why not ask us to view your property and discuss the various options with you now. We have the experience and expertise to handle all of your well drilling and service needs. Our advice is free!

Need water drilling services? Contact Us